HQ Description
Check out Appondale where the mud is bubbling, and the Conservation Museum offers a quiet place to relax as you watch videos about the endangered animals of the world, and browse through unique items for your den.
Journey Book
Conservation Musuem
"Located in Appondale, the Conservation Museum is filled with exhibits and information all about endangered animals in the wild!"
Inside of the Conversation Musuem, you can buy giant plushies, shaped bushes, and banners for all the in-game animal avatars.
To the left of the store, you can play a claw game, and print out coloring pages. At the top of the museum, you can watch videos to learn about wild cats, and even donate to help them! Last but not least, there is a Safety Quiz that tests your knowledge on the Animal Jam rules. It rewards you with an Online Safety Plaque.
Claws N' Paws
The best place for pets and all your pets related needs! You can buy all the standard pets here, and you can also buy extra items for them such as clothes or furniture.
Disc Toss
This game requires a dog pet to play so, as a result, is members only. This game is only playable in Appondale and the Sarepia Forest. The goal of the game is the click on the "Jump!" button to catch as many frisbees as possible.
Easter Eggs and Glitches